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Elder Paisios (Russian with English Subtitles)
A movie about the life and times of Elder Paisios, the clairvoyant elder of Mount Athos who reposed in the Lord in 1934.
Elder Arsenie, spiritual son of Elder Cleopa, (born on August 13th, 1914), in prison on and off for over 12 years between 1938 and 1964, one of the greatest Romanian Elders of our days, speaks about the nature of prayer and what it is and means to Orthodox Christians.
Sister Eliseea Papacioc, a Romanian Orthodox nun and artist, talks about the spiritual and creative process behind a 30-foot by five-foot icon she created and recently installed at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, Fla. The work, on three sections of canvas, took her a year to complete.
It's Not Easy To Be Orthodox
Accounts of monks today who live solitary lives and show the way to Christ in our modern era.
Meditations on Monasticism
Preview of feature length film available here.
The Monastery of St. John is a community of Orthodox Christian monks striving to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, working out their salvation in discipleship to Christ in the Orthodox Church. MEDiTATIONS on Monasticism is a documentary film created for Orthodox people, that they may reflect upon the deep waters of their Church, and be inspired to further dive into that great depth.
Tebe Poem- We Praise You, We Bless You ...
The hymn, sung in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom right before the Epiclesis, (the moment when Orthodox Christians believe that the bread and wine are mystically transfigured into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

English Translation:
We praise You, we bless You, we give thanks to You, and we pray to You, Lord our God.
The Passion of St. Matthew
A symphony about the Passion account of St. Matthew's Gospel, as told through the musical lens of Met. Hilarion Alfeyev of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.
CBS Documentary - A Visit To The Holy Mountain ATHOS, Greece
A wonderful documentary by CBS on the Holy Mountain. It provides a small glimpse into the life of the monks on the peninsula considered by many Orthodox Christians to be the most holy place on Earth.
An Impatient Patience
An interview of Fr. Josiah Trenham with Metropolitan Kalistos Ware on the ongoing work of the Orthodox Episcopal Assemblies across the world in their quest to normalize the situation of Orthodox Christians in the diaspora (outside of traditionally Orthodox lands.)
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